Experimentation posts
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Silver linings - learning from businesses that failed
Serial entrepreneurs will tell you they learned more from business failure than success. Why can we learn so much from businesses that failed?
What to do when the proverbial hits the fan
We answer what working through uncertainty looks and feels like at a project level – and how teams can adapt to unexpected change.
Design - staying ahead of the curve
Earlier this year, one of our retail clients came to us frustrated despite having successfully weathered the pandemic storm.
Good questions - how to start with experimenting
In the early stages of exploring a complex problem, we don’t know what we don’t know. Good experiments help us arrive at better questions.
The story of a mould, a melon and a war
We all know the fable of Flemming and the forgotten putrid petri-dish of 1928, but the much more interesting story is what happened next.
De-risking innovation through experimentation
Competition is fierce, the race relentless. The path is littered with examples of those businesses that missed the innovation memo.
Zoom n’ Doom – a.k.a. I’m sick of my face
Existing research shows that mirrors are detrimental to people’s body image – so what does this mean for a world of Zoom calls and self-image-analysis?
How I learned to fail and embraced it
An intern at &us shares their experience with experimentation and creativity – and how workplaces can benefit.