Web3 – how to test and learn

Beyond the initial hype, Web3 use cases and commercial opportunities are starting to emerge like contracts, royalties, loyalty, added value.

Beyond the single persona - Life-centred innovation

Taking cues from biomimicry, circular design, system thinking and more, life-centred design might just be the future of innovation.

Web3 – the cultural shift of ownership

Web3 technologies including Crypto, NFTs, AI, AR, and DAOs are enabling a culture shift with individuals demanding ownership of their information.

Chat me up - experimenting with ChatGPT

Chat GPT is the latest powerful AI tool, here's how to start experimenting with it so that both it, and you, can learn what it can do for you.

De-risking innovation through experimentation

Competition is fierce, the race relentless. The path is littered with examples of those businesses that missed the innovation memo.

Break it down - How hip-hop exemplifies the principles of innovation

Hip hop emerged from the Bronx in the early 1970s, reflecting post-industrial decline and a rapidly changing economy.

Why your organisation should look more like a jellyfish

Siphonophores are a creature that has broken from the traditional way of organising its central functions. How should your organisation relate?

Zoom n’ Doom – a.k.a. I’m sick of my face

Existing research shows that mirrors are detrimental to people’s body image – so what does this mean for a world of Zoom calls and self-image-analysis?