
Meet the team - Paloma Garat, Transformation

Written by Paloma Garat | 02/03/2022

Paloma Garat is one of our resident fire starters, or as we like to call them, coaches. Before &us, Paloma worked in large corporates – consulting and client-side – so read on to find what made her join a small consultancy, what gets her out of bed in the morning, and discover what unusual superpower she’d like.

What’s your work background?

I started my career in transformation and change management consulting at PwC, followed by Cancer Research UK where I fell in love with innovation. I joined &us to shake things up whilst combining the best of both worlds!

Why did you choose to come and work at &us?

I had worked at really large companies for over 12 years and at this point I was hungry for a project where I could have a real impact. I loved the autonomy and freedom to create good trouble, challenge the status quo and build together our future as an organisation.

What does your morning routine look like?

I don’t have much of a routine! The only constant is coffee (decaf!!) and toast with raspberry jam. Apart from that, I love the flexibility of WFH and like playing it by ear every day. 

What does an average working day have in store for you?

My work as an Innovation Coach is really varied. On an average day I’ll probably be working with clients to co-create experiences to get their teams to innovate, running creative sessions for teams helping them use the most relevant innovation tools and techniques, or working with their leaders to create the right environment for innovation to flow in their organisations. I also do quite a bit of work behind the scenes, working as a team with other people at &us to crack our clients’ challenges and lead internal initiatives. There’s always time for a little catch-up here and there to help someone with their work or learn something new. I love being able to mix things up which makes every day energising and interesting.

What’s the best thing about your job?  

Helping others see existing and new potential and supporting them to go for it. As cheesy as it may sound, I feel really honoured that clients and colleagues trust me to guide and support them to create new solutions and learn new ways to find growth at professional and personal levels!

Predictions for the next year? What will clients want most of in the next 12-24 months?

Most industries and organisations are trying to keep up with the pace of change whilst dealing with internal and external pressures and a lot of complexity. All the while, people are fatigued with all the change that the world and most of our jobs have ever seen over the last 18 months. One of the challenges I expect more clients to need help with is how to inject energy and find new ways to operate which can balance the need to be more lean and efficient to innovate and continue to evolve.

What’s the most random thing on your desk?

I’m a wannabe minimalist and have a tiny desk at home so nothing exciting to report I’m afraid. There’s always a good snack around though.

Who was your last email from?

I’m in Stockholm at the moment for a client session. My last email was from the reception desk letting me know my notes for the session later today are ready to be picked up.

What is the best piece of advice you have received?

Life is not about rights or wrongs, it’s about choices.

Also, “Perfection is an illusion” – Katy Perry

What did you want to be when you ‘grew up’?

A pop star. This is something I’ve definitely achieved at ‘shower’ level and karaoke parties.

How do you relax outside of work?

Dancing is a must in my week – it keeps me active, full of endorphins and always learning. I’m also a social butterfly and I’m always talking to a friend or family member, as I’m originally from Spain and recently moved to Brighton, there are a lot of new and old communities to explore and connect with. 

What would be your superpower if you had one?

Turning everything I touch into Iberico ham.

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