
Meet the team – Lucy Hackshaw, Transformation

Written by Lucy Hackshaw | 20/01/2022

We’re really excited to welcome our latest recruit to the team, Coaching Director Lucy Hackshaw.


As well as having built her own agency business, Lucy brings a huge amount of knowledge and experience in coaching and developing teams. We wanted to get to know her a bit better, so we fired some insightful questions her way.

What’s your work background?

I started out as a design manager in retail, financial, and built environment industries, then following a chance encounter I had the opportunity to build and run a retail design agency, which I scaled to a team of 25 before exiting for my next challenge. Much of my time running this creative agency involved coaching senior leaders, as well as designing and developing teams and systems to deliver effective solutions for end users/retail customers. I went on to qualify as an executive coach, train in counselling skills to enhance my pastoral support skills, and work as an innovation consultant for a number of boutique consultancies and academic institutions, including Imperial College and Central Saint Martins. 

Why did you choose to come and work at &us?

I was attracted by the culture and ethos, the way &us view and approach coaching, and the focus on capability building to prioritise future proofing the business from the inside out. 

What does your morning routine look like?

It starts with a cup of hot water and lemon, followed by a run with my dog Neve, a breakfast smoothie, shower and then I’m straight into meetings from 9am.

What does an average working day have in store for you?

Lots of interesting conversations about new briefs and opportunities, client sessions, reviewing proposals, jumping into resourcing conversations to ensure we’re building the best teams for our client challenges, and team 1:1s to support the talented and growing coaching team.

What’s the best thing about your job?

Hands down my favourite thing is capability building in others and seeing them achieve successful outcomes faster and more deliberately.

How has your work day changed in the last year: What new things will you be keeping? And what can’t you wait to go back to?

I’ll keep the morning routine, but I can’t wait to see people IRL! I also miss the serendipitous socialising and chats as you pass people in the office.

Predictions for the next year? What will clients want most of in the next 12-24 months?

Uncertainty is guaranteed – we live in a state of continual flux – so I expect to see continued investment in agility coaching to embed the mindsets and behaviours required to future proof organisations, especially large corporates who are otherwise at serious risk of disruption as more agile start-ups gain market footholds.

What is the most random thing on your desk?

A carpet sample, as we’re mid house renovations.

Who was your last email from?

Trello to notify me of an update to an &us team board I’m on.  

What is the best piece of advice you have received?

Always question and challenge a brief. Which often leads to the co-design of a new brief because the original brief tackled symptomology not the root cause.

What did you want to be when you ‘grew up’?

A TV presenter. ‘Big Breakfast’ vibes.

How do you relax outside of work?

Walking Neve, BBQs with friends/family, a good soak in the bath, Grey’s Anatomy binges with Dairy Milk chocolate.

What would be your super power if you had one?

Time travel.

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